We’ve all been hurt.
Sometimes the hurt is intentional, other times it’s not. Remember, healing comes with hurt.
There is healing in forgiveness.
“[Forgiveness] is the hardest thing to give away. It can even set a prisoner free. But, the prisoner that it really frees is you.”
– Matthew West
Our harbored resentment and anger can eat us up from the inside out. Sure, the other person(s) may not even feel remotely sorry for how they have hurt us. But, we don’t have to let our health and happiness be hindered and dependent on their asking for forgiveness.
Even if the other(s) do not deserve forgiveness, loan it to them anyway. For none of us truly deserve forgiveness.
If we all received what we truly deserved, admit it, we’d all be dead.
But, we would do well to be wary of the declivity of harbored anger:
“Fear is the path to the dark side…fear leads to anger…anger leads to hate…hate leads to suffering.”
– Master Yoda
Fear? Why fear?
Fear is a feeling derived from a sense of the unknown. Honestly, we can fear forgiveness. Why?
We feel more in control when we hoard hatred and anger toward someone.
However, this is pseudo-control. It’s a lie. We are not in control, we are imprisoned by this fear. We fear what happens when we release.
We tend to want revenge. If someone hurt us, we want them to hurt in return. It’s only fair, right? But, if we forgive them, that person may not receive the retribution we so inwardly, yet un-admittedly, desire.
But, if we don’t release and forgive, our fear begins to morph into anger…then to hate…then to suffering and bitterness. We are the ones that truly suffer, not them.
Fear left alone is a fear we truly don’t want to know.
As difficult as it may be, try to move on toward forgiveness. It won’t be easy. It may even seem impossible. And in our own strength and will-power, it may be.
Anger and bitterness will try to reclaim their self-proclaimed thrones in our mind, so we will have to fight hard. But, the more consistently and effectively we fight for forgiveness, the inner battles will be easier to win. Plus, when and if the other(s) ask for forgiveness we will have already settled it in our heart and amending of relationship may begin.
Get it off your chest, heart, mind, and body. Our health and lives are too precious to be burdened by sorrow, hate, and vengeance.